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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-21   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击:     放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  柬埔寨普力科寺(Preah Ko)
  普力科寺(Preah Ko)是国王陀罗跋摩一世兴建于西元八八○年,用来祭祀祖先的神庙,前面较高大的三座是祭祀父系祖先,后面较小的三座则是祭祀母系祖先。遗迹开挖时,开阔的护城河依稀可见,兼具防卫、储水及调节雨季水位的功能。

  Six towers displaying set on a platform, all beautifully preserved carvings . Originally surrounded by walls and gopuras of which only vestiges remain. Preah Ko was one of the first major temples of the empire at the early Khmer capital of Hariharalaya. Preah Ko (Sacred Bull) derives its name from the statues of bulls at the front of the central
