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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-21   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击:     放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  柬埔寨罗洛斯遗址群(Roluos Group)
  罗洛斯遗址群(Roluos Group)是真腊王国迁都吴哥之前的首都,此处目前共有三处重要遗址:洛雷寺(Lolei)、普力科寺(Preah Ko)及巴孔寺(Bakong),是吴哥窟早期神庙的延伸,洛雷寺对应东美澎寺、西美蓬寺,普力科寺对应班蒂丝蕾、喀拉凡寺,巴孔寺则可对应巴肯山神殿及世界八大奇迹之一的吴哥寺(俗称的小吴哥),可以说是个吴哥窟的缩影。

  The Roluos Group is a collection of monuments representing the remains of Hariharalaya, the first major capital of the Angkorianera Khmer Empire. It has become known as the ‘Roluos Group’ due to its proximity to the modern town of Roluos. The ancient capital was named for HariHara, a synthesis of the Hindu gods Shiva and Vishnu. Though there was an existing settlement in the area before the rise of Angkor, Hariharalaya was established as a capital city by Jayavarman II and served as the Khmer capital for over 70 years under four successive kings. Setting the pattern for the next four centuries, the first great Khmer temples (Bakong, Preah Ko, Lolei) and baray (reservoir) were constructed at Hariharalaya. The last king at Hariharalaya, Yasovarman I, built the first major temple at Angkor, Phnom Bakheng, and moved the capital to the Bakheng area in 905 C.E. With the exception of a 20 year interruption in the 10th century, the capital would remain at Angkor until 1422 C.E., 12km southeast of Siem Reap.
