印度尼西亚乌鲁瓦图寺 (Pura Luhur Uluwatu)断崖
乌鲁瓦图寺(Pura Luhur Uluwatu) 座落在南部半岛的的悬崖上,是巴厘岛最古老和最具历史价值的寺庙。是是巴里岛六大圣庙之一。
这里也以观赏日落闻名,国内也有不少旅行团安排这个景点。每年 Galungan 时节, 来自全岛各地的居民会到此处朝拜。
Pura Luhur Uluwatu is one of Bali’s ‘directional temples’ (kayangan jagat) and guards Bali from evil spirits from the SW. This means that the temple affects the island as a whole and has meaning for all Balinese, not just the Uluwatu locals. During the Galungan festival (the most important event in the Balinese calender that occurs every 210 days and celebrates the victory of good over evil) people from all over Bali come to worship here. Pura Uluwatu is located on the cliff top close to the famous surf break on the SW of the Bukit peninsula. The temple was founded in the 10th century by Empu Kuturan, a Javanese Hindu priest who built the tiered ‘meru’ and a shrine here as well as at other key locations long the Balinese coast.
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