印度尼西亚普兰巴南神庙 (Prambanan Temple)
普兰巴南神庙(Prambanan Temple),印度教神庙,位于日惹东北16公里。由250座大大小小的陵庙组成,建于公元900年左右,是为埋藏当时国王及王后骨灰而修建的。它是印尼又一个世界著名的历史古迹,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化贵产名录,是印尼最宏伟壮丽的印度教寺庙,是世界建筑、雕刻和绘画艺术史上一颗璀璨的明珠,现正式名称为普兰巴南文化旅游公园。
The Prambanan temple is the biggest and a most beautiful Hindu temple about 20 minutes from Yogyakarta city. This magnificent Shivaite temple derives its name from the village where it is located. Locally known as the Loro Jongrang temple, or the temple of the "Slender Virgin" it is reputed to be the biggest and most beautiful Hindu Temple in Indonesia.
17 kilometers east of Yogyakarta, the temple is believed to have been built by King Balitung Maha Sambu in the middle of the ninth century.
Its parapets are adorned with a basreliefs depicting the famous Ramayana story. It has eight shrines, of which the three main ones are dedicated to Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma (all are manifestations of God in Hindu). The main temple of Shiva rises to a high of 130 feet and houses the magnificent statue of Shiva's consort, Durga.
Prambanan Temple is beautiful temple, in fact, it is a group of temples. The biggest temple dedicated to Shiva (one of manifestation of God) with two other smaller ones, on its right and on its left, dedicated to Brahma and Wisnhu (manifestation of God) respectively. Reliefs decorating the walls of the temple depict the story of Ramayana.
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