Where does the cycle of birth and death come from? The three engine compartments of greed, hatred and ignorance filled by the three strokes of greed, hatred and ignorance. What are the twelve links of dependent origination? They are the gearboxes. The wheel of the cycle of birth and death got started with these three compartments and the twelve gearboxes. With ignorance as a condition, there is volition; with volition - consciousness; with consciousness - name and form; with name and form - the six sense bases; with the six sense bases - contact; with contact - sensation; with sensation - craving; with craving - grasping; with grasping - becoming; with becoming - birth; and with birth - old age, death, lament, sorrow, suffering and afflictions, and the huge ocean of birth and death.
Conversely, what should one tread to end the cycle of birth and death? Should one not take refuge in the Three Jewels? Should one not listen to teachings on the sutras and the Dharma? Should one not unveil one’s wisdom? Once wisdom is unveiled, would ignorance still exist? Does not the unveiling of wisdom eradicate ignorance? Once wisdom is unveiled, ignorance is extinguished.
Please repeat after me, ‘With the extinguishment of ignorance, volition is extinguished; with the extinguishment of volition, consciousness is extinguished; with the extinguishment of consciousness, name and form is extinguished; with the extinguishment of name and form, the six sense bases are extinguished; with the extinguishment of the six sense bases, contact is extinguished; with the extinguishment of contact, sensation is extinguished; with the extinguishment of sensation, craving is extinguished; with the extinguishment of craving, becoming is extinguished; with the extinguishment of becoming, birth is extinguished; with the extinguishment of birth, old age is extinguished; with the extinguishment old age, death is extinguished; with the extinguishment of death, the cycle of birth and death is extinguished.’ And the Land of Ultimate Bliss emerges!
The Love of Matangi’s Daughter
A spiritual Dharma talk during the trip to Jiangsu, Changzhou
By Master Chuanxi
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