TA DZONG寺建于1641年,外观如一座圆筒形堡垒。在1967年被重建,现在为国家博物馆,并且举行艺术、遗物、宗教Thangkha绘画和不丹的精妙的引人入胜的邮票收藏展览。
TA DZONG The cylindrical building was built in 1641 AD. by Desi Tenzin Drukda, the then Governor of Paro, as a watchtower to look over the Paro Dzong in case of invasions from the north. As was the situation in those days, invasions were occasional and the Dzong, which was the center of administration in the state, needed to be overlooked by such towers to look out for invaders. The unique structure has six floors that go spiraling down from the top. During the olden days the building not only housed soldiers but also prisoners of war, mostly invaders. Since 1967 the Dzong was reestablished as the National Museum and holds a fascinating collection of art, relics, religious Thangkha paintings and Bhutan's exquisite postage stamps.
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