柬埔寨斑黛喀蒂(Banteay Kdei)
斑黛喀蒂(Banteay Kdei)建于1213世纪,为佛教僧院,中央寺塔及长廊都已坍塌。四门上都饰有神鸟格鲁达浮雕,门上方也有四面佛雕像。它的四周筑有围墙,长700米,宽500米。中心塔内部并未完工,由于施工仓促,寺庙的很多部分几乎是废墟。
Banteay Kdei is a temple at Angkor, Cambodia. It is located southeast of Ta Prohm and east of Angkor Thom. Built in the late 12th to early 13th centuriesCE during the reign of Jayavarman VII, it is a Buddhist temple in the Bayon style, similar in plan to Ta Prohm and Preah Khan, but less complex and smaller. Its structures are contained within two successive enclosure walls, and consist of two concentric galleries from which emerge towers, preceded to the east by a cloister.
This monastic complex is currently dilapidated due to faulty construction and poor quality sandstone. Banteay Kdei has been occupied by monks at various intervals over the centuries, but the inscription stone has never been discovered so it is unknown to whom the temple is dedicated.
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