锡金鲁姆特克寺(Rumtek monastery)
鲁姆特克寺(Rumtek monastery)是锡金最大的寺庙。它坐落在一座海拔5,500英尺、俯瞰着甘托克城的山上。该寺四面由僧舍环绕,内中是一个宽阔的石砌院落。节日期间,传统的喇嘛舞蹈便在这里表演。
鲁姆特克寺(Rumtek monastery)中藏有一些全世界最独特的宗教写本和宗教艺术品。其中最为宏伟壮观的是金佛塔,内中供有16世噶玛噶居派转世活佛的珍贵圣骨。
Rumtek monastery or Dharma chakra Centre, is a Tibetan Buddhist monastery located in the Indian state of Sikkim near the capital Gangtok. Originally built by the 9th Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje in 16th century, Rumtek served as the main seat of the Karma Kagyu lineage in Sikkim for some time. But when the 16th Karmapa arrived in Sikkim in 1959, after fleeing before the Chinese occupation of Tibet, it was in ruins. Despite being offered other sites, the Karmapa decided to rebuild Rumtek. To him, the site possessed many auspicious qualities and was surrounded by the most favorable attributes. For example, flowing streams, mountains behind, a snow range in front, and a river below. With the generosity and help of the Sikkim royal family and the Indian government, it has been built by the 16th Karmapa as his main seat in exile
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