印度哈扎拉拉玛庙(Hazara Rama Temple)
哈扎拉拉玛庙(Hazara Rama Temple)兴建矩形复杂熟记于心的皇家中心。追溯到十五世纪初期,馆内的哈扎拉拉玛寺有细刻玄武岩支柱描绘的化身vishnu 。围绕外墙大厅是三排雕塑说明主要事件,从罗摩衍那。
The Hazara Rama Temple built within rectangular complex lies at the heart of the royal centre. Dating from the early 15th century, the hall of the Hazara Rama Temple has finely carved basalt pillars depicting the incarnations of Vishnu. Around the exterior walls of the hall are three rows of sculptures illustrating the main events from the Ramayana.
This temple now unused is situated in the royal enclosure of the city and was probably the king's private shrine. The enclosure walls of the temple are exceptional in that they are carved both on the outside and the inside.
The outer friezes depict horses, elephants, dancing girls and infantry in procession. The inner panels show scenes from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. On the walls of the god's sanctum are two rare depictions of Vishnu as the Buddha.
Though the temple is small in size, it is a fine example of the skills of Vijaynagara sculptors, who have very artistically coaxed filigree and lace out of Deccan stone.
Northeast of the Hazara Rama Temple is the Zenana enclosure, which may have been, used either by the king or his military commander. Recent excavations have unearthed remains of places to the west of the Hazara Rama Temple.
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