印度魏塔拉庙(Vittala Temple)
魏塔拉庙(Vittala Temple)是建于形式,幅员辽阔,校园与复合墙体和Gateway塔。有许多会堂,亭台楼阁和寺庙内找到这个校园里。
vittala后,谁该庙是众所周知的,也是另一种形式的主vishnu 。这方面的vishnu是崇拜,在这个国家的一部分,因为他们的邪教神,由牛群。
As the epicenter of Hampi's attractions, Vittala Temple is the most extravagant architectural showpiece of Hampi. No amount of words can explain this spectacle. The temple is built in the form of a sprawling campus with compound wall and gateway towers. There are many halls, pavilions and temples located inside this campus.
Vittala, after whom the temple is known, is a form of lord Vishnu. This aspect of Vishnu was worshiped in this part of the country as their cult deity by the cattle herds.
The temple was originally built in the 15th century AD. Many successive kings have enhanced the temple campus during their regimes to the present form. Yon can even see the remains of a township called Vittalapura that existed around this temple complex. The highlight of Vittala temple is its impressive pillared halls and the stone chariot. The halls are carved with an overwhelming array of sculptures on the giant granite pillars. The stone chariot located inside the campus is almost an iconic structure of Hampi.
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